You will use our expert study system and take your choice of real police promotion exams with up to 500+ test questions and answers from EACH of the 100+ major textbooks used in exams for Detective, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and upper-management ranks.
We are, the authors of over One Hundred Thousand validated police promotion exam questions from hundreds of textbooks.
Starting at less than 60 cents a day you have 24/7 unlimited use of our online exams, flashcards and Learning Management System (LMS). You can use your smartphone, tablet, Chromebook, desktop or laptop. You will also receive PDF files to print as flashcards and to use as self-scoring exams.
There is a lot riding on this - pay, future pension, prestige, as well as a sense of career accomplishment as you are promoted up the ranks in law enforcement.
You need the best tools available in order to achieve your promotion!
We were the first to develop this promotion study system in 1985, and thousands of our clients have been promoted from the TOP of the list.
We are the #1 national leader in preparing law officers for their written promotion exams.
Over 99% of our clients pass their written promotional exams!
BONUS: Available only to our written testing clients - 2 full-length Promotion Oral Board Training Videos from Asst. Chief Bill Reilly (ret) and!
Exclusive Exam Pass Guarantee: If you follow our proven, expert study system and don't pass - we refund 100% of your membership.
Using our expert police promotion study system you will take exams 4 different ways: as PDF printed flashcards, as PDF written exams with score key, and Advanced Online Exams and Online Flashcards. The online Learning Management System (LMS) lets you mark questions for review, tailor your exams and flashcards, add your own notes, and also track your scores and progress. Learn More
Try our online exams and flashcards for 12+ of the most popular police promotional textbooks, and download our expert study system "The 10-Steps To Written Exam Mastery" right now - at no cost!