In Queensland, an adult (a person 18 years and older) is able to register their relationship as a civil partnership without a Civil Partnership Declaration ceremony. The Civil Partnerships Act 2011 (Qld) (Civil Partnerships Act) provides for two adults, regardless of their sex, to enter into a legally recognised civil partnership (s 4). To be eligible to enter into a civil partnership (s 5 Civil Partnerships Act):
When two people wish to enter into a civil partnership, they may apply to have their relationship registered with Births, Deaths and Marriages in Queensland.
The application must be in the approved form and accompanied by a statutory declaration made by each person stating that the person (s 7 Civil Partnerships Act):
Documents to prove the two persons’ identity and age must also be provided.
The civil partnership will take effect as soon as it is formally registered with Births, Deaths and Marriages.
A civil partnership is terminated by the death or marriage of one of the parties (s 14 Civil Partnerships Act), or after the registrar registers the termination application under s 18 of the Civil Partnerships Act at the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (ss 15–19 Civil Partnerships Act).
The Queensland Government provides comprehensive information on how to register a civil partnership with or without a declaration ceremony, and how to obtain an optional certificate.